501(c)3 Nonprofit organization
Creating and educating for jobs in entertainment. Learning audio engineering mixing in music.
Beauty - Certification for stylist and make-up artist/accredited. Learn how to be a make-up artist and work high-end clientele.
Fitness - Consultation in Diets/Exercise
Rachel Alejandro, Vice President
Being born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, Rachel has had the privilege to fully immerse herself and appreciate the rich artistic culture that is New York. Being exposed to music and the arts at a very early age, there was a certain ardor and fervor that developed throughout her childhood that only music and art could satisfy. The adoration of music led her to study classical music and this is where she began to create original music compositions.
After developing a solid foundation through classical training as a pianist, she began to perform her original compositions all over New York City at notable venues such as the legendary S.O.Bs, Sounds of Brazil, Soho House, Esther & Carol, Ashford & Simpson Bar, and Piano's. Now, after receiving a business degree from N.Y.U. Rachel seeks to share her love of the arts through co-founding Bamboo Inc.